WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                            FORM 8-K

                         CURRENT REPORT

Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of

                        November 21, 1996
                (Date of earliest event reported)
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

   Delaware                 1-11353           13-3757370
   --------                 -------           ----------
(State or other           (Commission       (IRS Employer
jurisdiction or           File Number)       Identification
organization)                                Number)

    358 South Main Street, Burlington, North Carolina  27215
            (Address of principal executive offices)
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Item 5. Other Events

On November 21, 1996, the Company issued a press release announcing
that it has agreed to pay the U.S. government $187 million to
conclude previously disclosed federal investigations into the prior
billing practices of companies that merged to form the Company in
1995.  The press release is attached as an exhibit hereto and the
text thereof is incorporated in its entirety herein by reference.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial
         Information and Exhibits

  (c) Exhibits
      10   Press release of the Registrant dated November 21,

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


                     By:/s/   BRADFORD T. SMITH
                              Bradford T. Smith
                              Executive Vice President, General
                              Counsel and Secretary

Date:  November 21, 1996


        Contacts:           Pam Sherry            (910)584-5171
                            Walter Montgomery     (212)484-6721

       Company To `Close the Door on Past Billing Issues'
  By Resolving Medicare and Related Government Billing Matters
  Tied to 1993 Inquiries Involving Clinical Laboratory Industry
        Settlement Is Industry's First Global Settlement
                    Related to 1993 Inquiries
Burlington,  NC, November 21, 1996 --- Laboratory Corporation  of
America  Holdings (LabCorp) (NYSE:LH) today announced  that  it
has  agreed  to pay the U.S. government $187 million to  conclude
previously disclosed federal investigations, initiated  in  1993,
into the prior billing practices of companies that merged to form
LabCorp  in  1995.   The federal investigations have  encompassed
billing practices in the clinical laboratory industry as a whole,
including  predecessor companies of LabCorp, and have focused  on
the  medical  necessity  of certain laboratory  tests  billed  to
Medicare and other third-party payors.


Settlement Is Industry's First Global Settlement
- ------------------------------------------------

LabCorp,   which   cooperated  fully  with  federal   authorities
throughout  the  course  of these investigations,  is  the  first
clinical laboratory company to reach a global settlement with the
government  that  completely  resolves  all  outstanding   issues
related to the investigations.

Commenting on the settlement, Dr. James B. Powell, President  and
Chief Executive Officer, stated:  "This action firmly closes  the
door on past issues of law and regulation involving industry-wide
billing practices related to the investigations.  It allows us to
refocus  on  building for the future of this  Company.   To  help
speedily  resolve  the related third-party payor  billing  issues
that  have preoccupied so many in this industry, we have  decided
to  put  behind  us  government assertions  concerning  the  past
billing practices of any component of our business.  As a  result
of  this  settlement, LabCorp will continue as a service provider
to Medicare and other government patients."

He added:  "We have cooperated fully with the government over the
past  three  years  and  have achieved considerable  progress  in
putting a comprehensive, highly detailed compliance program  into
effect. We will continue to work closely with regulators in fine-
tuning  this  compliance assurance system by swiftly  integrating
the  new features that are part of this settlement.  These  steps
affirm  our  long-standing commitment  to  maintain  the  highest
standards  of  compliance and quality  in  every  aspect  of  our
operations.   Going  forward,  we believe  that  this  settlement
reflects  a new emphasis on cooperation with the government  that
will help forestall any reoccurrence of these billing issues."


The  government's  investigations covered  billings  for  certain
tests  performed as part of the chemistry profiles  of  LabCorp's
various  predecessor companies from 1988 to  1994.   These  tests
were  deemed  by  regulators  to be medically  unnecessary.   The
investigations  were part of a broad-based federal  inquiry  into
Medicare  and  related billings that have resulted  in  financial
settlements  with  a number of other clinical laboratories.   The
inquiries  have  also prompted the imposition of  more  stringent
regulatory compliance requirements industry-wide.

Under the terms of the settlement, the Company agreed to pay $182
million  to  settle civil claims involving Medicare  and  related
government billings performed by LabCorp's predecessor companies:
National Health Laboratories Incorporated (NHL), Roche Biomedical
Laboratories, Inc. (RBL) and Allied Clinical Laboratories, Inc.

As  part  of the overall settlement, a San Diego laboratory  that
was formerly part of Allied agreed to plead guilty to a charge of
filing a false claim with Medicare and Medicaid in 1991.  The San
Diego  laboratory  was sold by Allied in 1992, two  years  before
Allied  was  acquired by NHL in 1994 (as a result of  this  sale,
Allied accepted a successor obligation to indemnify the San Diego
laboratory for outstanding liabilities --- an obligation  LabCorp
later assumed).  NHL's parent merged with RBL to form LabCorp  in
1995.   The  violation involved a bill from  that  former  Allied
laboratory   to  the  government  for  an  HDL-cholesterol   test
requested by a physician for an AIDS patient.  In connection with
this, Allied agreed to pay a $5 million fine.


In all, the Company will pay the government $5 million during the
fourth  quarter  ending December 31, 1996, and pay  another  $182
million during  the  quarter ending March 31, 1997.  The Company
took a special pre-tax  charge  to  earnings of $185 million,  or
approximately $1.19 per share, during the quarter ended September
30, 1996,  to  increase reserves  to  cover costs relating to the
government settlement and anticipated private claims.

Company `Well Positioned To Fulfill Strategy'
- ---------------------------------------------

Summing  up,  Dr. Powell said:  "Our expeditious settlement  with
the  government and our work on recapitalizing the  Company  will
contribute  significantly  to  LabCorp's  favorable  outlook   in
today's  challenging  health  care  environment.   We  are   well
positioned  to execute our strategy of growing a more  profitable
revenue  base  by  increasing  our hospital  affiliations,  other
strategic  alliances and esoteric laboratory  capabilities.   Our
synergy savings program remains on schedule, and there are  other
cost-cutting  efforts under way, as well.  At the same  time,  we
remain focused on implementing more-effective ways to meet third-
party  payors'  more  stringent medical necessity  and  diagnosis
coding requirements."

The   Company  notes  that  each  of  the  above  forward-looking
statements  is  subject  to  change based  on  various  important
factors,  including (without limitation) competitive  actions  in
the  marketplace  and adverse actions of governmental  and  other
third-party  payors.   Further information on  potential  factors
that could affect the Company's financial results is included  in
the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995.


Laboratory   Corporation  of  America  Holdings  (LabCorp)  is  a
national   clinical   laboratory  organization   with   estimated
annualized  revenues  of  $1.6  billion.   The  Company  operates
primary  testing facilities nationally, offering more than  1,700
different  clinical assays, from routine blood analysis  to  more
sophisticated  technologies.  LabCorp performs  diagnostic  tests
for  physicians, managed care organizations, hospitals,  clinics,
long-term   care  facilities,  industrial  companies  and   other
clinical laboratories.

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